
Thursday, April 28, 2005

Better Than Sex Cake

In the church cookbook it is simply labeled 'Chocolate or Lemon Dessert', but half the fun's in the name!

I very seldom leave a recipe entirely alone, so I'll give you the original version, and then tell you how I make it:)

1 cup flour
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (plus some extra)
1 stick butter
1 cup powdered sugar
8 oz cream cheese, softened
8 oz tub Cool Whip
2 small boxes of pudding (Cook 'n Serve chocolate, or instant lemon)
[Instant chocolate works, but it isn't nearly as good]

Layer 1:
Combine flour, nuts, and butter. Mix and press into ungreased 9x13" pan. Bake at 350 degrees 15 minutes. Cool.

Layer 2:
Cream together powdered sugar and cream cheese. Fold in (actually I just use the mixer) 1 cup Cool Whip. Spread over cooled crust.

Layer 3:
Prepare pudding, using 3 cups of milk. Pour over 2nd layer (chocolate pudding will need to be cooled first--you might want to make it ahead witht the crust).

Layer 4:
Spread the remaining Cool Whip over the top and sprinkle with nuts. Regrigerate.

This makes a very nice dessert, however, I find the crust a little bland. So I substitute an Oreo Cookie crust (recipe to follow) and sprinkle mini chocolate chips on top instead of the nuts. The chocolate crust gives the dessert a little pizzaz! (Note: Oreo crust would probably
notgo well with the lemon, but why would I choose lemon over chocolate?!?)

Oreo Cookie Crust:
2 cups Oreo Cookie crumbs
6 tbls sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened

Mix ingredients with a fork and press into the bottom of the pan. Chill.

Actually, a graham cracker crust works well, too. I use 2-1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs, 1/2 cup sugar, 2/3 cup butter.

This is one of my absolute favorite desserts!



  1. Steven is shocked, just shocked, that YOU posted a recipe called BETTER THAN SEX CAKE! He was sure that posted by Barb was a mistake!

    I told him he should have known anything called BETTER than sex that didn't involve hockey couldn't have been from me!

  2. That's okay--Tim would be shocked, too. But somehow, the name just makes the dessert taste better! Besides, who would give a second look to a recipe called 'Chocolate or Lemon Dessert.' Boooooring!!!

  3. Your sex cake sounds very much like Sex in a Pan, which always made an appearance at our St. Andrew's/St. George's parish meals. It always used chocolate pudding. I have a recipe for something called Sex by Chocolate, but I've never actually made it and it looks a little to high class for this blog - maybe I'll post it on ReTorte and see if anyone bites. I'll see if I can find the Sex in a Pan recipe, or if my mom has it somewhere.

    GWB: I spoke to my mom over in Jolly Old England last week, and asked her for her Yorkshire Pudding recipe. She says when she gets a minute, she'll try to dig it up, but since becoming single and not having a family to feed, she hasn't made it in years.

  4. I have a friend, who used to have the recipe for sex by chocolate on her website when she was in college. I long ago lost it, so please, feel free to post it here!

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I make mine similiar to yours except I use vanilla pudding and pistachio pudding instead with nuts on top of the cool whip. But I think I will try yours and see which one I like the best, maybe I will like yours best. I enjoy your blog.

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I needed a recipe for a church pot-luck tommorrow and found this blog.
    WHAT A FUN SIGHT TO EXPLORE! Your comments are cheerful and fun: I don't usually look forward to making church pot-luck desserts. I'm going to make the Better Than Sex Cake, and I feel cheerful about cooking for once.
    Thanks for the info, I'll be back I'm sure.
