
Saturday, April 23, 2005


Here it is, our first post! This is one of my all time favorite church potluck desserts. My mom used to make this often for church potlucks and Sunday School class parties.


2 cps Flour
1/2 cp Brown Sugar
1 cp finely chopped Nutmeats
1 cp Butter

Mix like pie crust. Spread in 9x13x2 pan. Bake 15 min at 400 degrees. When cool, crumble into fine pieces and press firmly on bottom of pan.

1 8oz pkg Cream Cheese
1 cp Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
2 pkgs. Dream Whip
1 1/2 cp. (1 can) Cherry Pie Filling

Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla together. Beat Dream Whip as directed on package, then add cheese mixture. Pour onto crust and top with pie filling. Chill 12 hours.

This goes really well with a good cup of coffee! Enjoy!


Barb's note: Mom always used pecans in the crust. I usually use a graham cracker crust because my husband doesn't like the original one (as Mom would have said, "There's no accounting for taste.") He also doesn't like cherry pie filling, so I often use strawberry (usually homemade--there's just something weird about the consistency of canned strawberry pie filling!). Blueberry's pretty good, too!


  1. Congratulations! I look forward to recipes for artery clogging, tummy comfort food.

    Your first post is a winner!

    Is Dream Whip the same as Cool-Whip?

    Isabella is ashamed to admit that she doesn't know about such things.

    Once I was asked to provide a green bean casserole for a potluck dinner. I didn't know what it was. I was promptly chided for being so unAmerican.

    I consulted a magazine and found that said casserole was made with frozen or canned (gasp!) green beans, Campbell's cream of mushroom soup, and canned onion rings.

    I swooned.

    I could not be a party to such culinary blasphemy, so I made it with fresh green beans, my own homemade cream of mushroom soup, and actually fried my own onion rings.

    Everyone HATED it!

    Alas! I was deeply chagrined. But now there is a site where I may go to discover esoteric recipes Americana.

    Thank you for saving me from further embarrassment.

    Bon Appetit. I think.

  2. Dream Whip is a powder that you add cold milk to and beat. I pkg. of Dream Whip is about the same as a small container of Cool Whip. Dream whip is usually found in the same aisle as pudding, or in the baking needs isle!

  3. incidentally, french cut green beans work best for green bean casserole. And it is really good, trust me!

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I have a super easy dish, lots of people know it im sure but I always get asked to make it to bring to family events and people really like it,

    1 bag frozen hash brown potatos, cubes
    2 cups shreaded cheese, a mix of white and yellow works well but it can be any kind you really like
    1 can cream of potato soup
    1 medium sized container sour cream
    A few tablespoons of parmesan

    Mix everything except the parmesan up in a bowl, spray some non stick spray into a baking dish, toss the whole mixed up mess in, sprinkle the parmesan on top and bake at about 450 until the top is nice and golden bubbly.

    Its really yummy and really simple, but takes about an hour to an hour and a half depending on how big a pan you use and how thick you spread the potatoes out. Yes I know, im not very specific and half my words are spelled wrong, its late. But it really is quite tasty and so simple that exact measurements arent really needed.

  5. Congratulations!

    What in God's name is a "nutmeat"?

    I'll find you a crust recipe for buttertarts soon. I think I have one somewhere...

  6. JR... My son's girlfriend makes a dish similar to this and it is always the hit of family dinners! I'll surprise her and prepare yours the next family get together!

    WC...nut meats are literally the meat of the nut, usually pecans, walnuts, almonds, or some combination of the three.

    Thats my story, and I am sticking to it! And if I am wrong, I'm sure my siter will correct me!

  7. Mark's right about the nutmeats. And if you don't care for that crust (or if you're feeling lazy and don't feel like taking time to make and cool it) it's actually quite good with a homemade graham cracker crust, as well.

  8. I've got a great Lamb Cake recipe for you ;-)
